DementiaTraining and Support:
A Positive Approach to Care
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to Thrive
Most dementia training focuses on what has been lost - we focus on what abilities remain
Receiving a dementia diagnosis is a life changing moment - however there is still life to be lived and we can still live well
Our training and dementia support services adopt well known Occupational Therapist and Dementia Guru Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care.
We are one of only a few Australia providers to be credentialled to teach Teepa’s Positive Approach to Care.
What is a Positive Approach to Care?
A Positive Approach to Care (PAC) aims to help carers understand the brain changes that occur due to dementia and to learn ways we can approach and support people living with dementia to accommodate for these brain changes.
Carers supporting people living with dementia often provide intimate care - we help people with showering, dressing, toileting, eating – things that are personal and close. Tasks where we are often in control.
A Positive Approach to Care is learning new skills to better approach and connect with a person living with dementia, to make the person feel safe, empowered and in control. This approach aims to enhance engagement, reduce agitation and provide greater mutual understanding and comfort.
When trained in PAC, participants learn a series of evidenced base, practical skills that improve the way you can connect with people living with dementia and help support people in everyday tasks and activities; these include Positive Physical Approach (PPA) and the Hand-under-Hand® (HuH) technique.
For more information on our Dementia Training Programs - Click HERE
Who do we work with?
We can provide our Positive Approach Dementia Training to everyone - at home carers, clinical staff or non clinical staff.
We currently provide training options for:
Onsite or online group training for Health, Aged Care and Community Care teams
One on one onsite training for personal care workers
Onsite or online training for carers and family / friends of people living with dementia
Online training options - Click HERE
We also provide dementia clinical support, supporting carers and teams to review and adapt their approach to better engage and connect with the person living with dementia, minimising changed behaviours
Let’s discuss how we can support you to build and develop your skills in supporting people living with dementia - send us an email at to get in touch
For more information on Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care - click HERE