Supporting you to provide best care for older people
Working with you to create the right conditions so the older people you care for Thrive.
Supporting aged care, healthcare, NDIS providers, local government and private organisations to enable older people to live their best lives.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to Thrive
The right environment and services provided by people with the right skills and resources can make all the difference in enabling older people to Thrive. We support providers to go beyond just managing conditions of ageing and to focus on enabling people to live their best lives.
Meet Our Founders
Kathy Kirby and Kate Lamont have close to 40 years experience in health and aged care. Kathy, a registered nurse and Kate a registered occupational therapist have a strong commitment to improving care for older people. Their extensive experience in the health and aged care sector, combined with their passion for making a difference, aims to have a positive impact on the lives of older people.
What We Do
Environment: We assess your physical and cultural environment to create the right surroundings for people to thrive
Knowledge and Skill: We work with your staff and volunteers to give them the skills and resources to provide the best care, supporting people to maximise their ability
Services and Programs: We review your services and programs to make sure they are effective for the older people you work with and for the staff providing them
Mentoring and Support: We mentor and support your staff, via our community of practice, to continue their growth and development, sustaining a healthy workforce.